Shoulder Pain
There can be several causes of shoulder pain, many arising from the shoulder itself such as a rotator cuff tendinopathy, frozen shoulder or osteoarthritis in the shoulder or an unstable shoulder joint. However, the neck and some of the muscles in the upper back/neck region can often present similarly to a problem within the shoulder itself. This is where a thorough questioning and examination is necessary so that treatment and advice can be targeted to the correct tissues and to help you recover more quickly.
Tendinopathies of the shoulder are common and patients with a shoulder tendinopathy tend to have a history of the shoulder being overworked with activity levels that it wasn’t accustomed to. This may differ to the presentation of someone who has an unstable shoulder in which they need to ‘switch the muscles/tendons back on’ through appropriate exercises rather than the more involved loading program required to help tendinopathies. A frozen shoulder will also involve a different treatment approach and will have a different rate of recovery.
The different examples above of shoulder conditions above tend to present differently regarding when they hurt and may also therefore have a varied presentation on examination. This is where a good case history (questioning) and examination is so important.
Exercises play a key role in the rehabilitation of nearly all shoulder problems.
If you would like to start the process in having your shoulder treated and rehabilitated then please click the booking link below or at the top of the page.