Dry Needling (acupuncture)
Dry Needling (or western medical acupuncture) is a therapy in which the insertion of fine, sterilised needles, are used to treat musculoskeletal pain. Dry needling stimulates the nervous system to help reduce pain and improve local circulation. Dry needling practitioners focus on an up-to-date understanding of physiology and pathology using a good knowledge of anatomy and evidence based medicine to guide their treatment.
“I was advised by my GP to try osteopathy for a long term back problem, I eventually came under the care of Luke Jackman who has helped me manage my back through massage and manipulation, together with exercise and medication advice.
Luke is always friendly and welcoming and listens carefully to your problems before commencing treatment. He will if necessary refer you back to your GP if he has any concerns.
Acupuncture – Luke first suggested we try acupuncture when a shoulder problem was taking too long to improve. The results were amazing. Within two sessions the pain had gone. He has since used acupuncture on other areas and had great success when applying it to a foot problem which was causing me to walk badly, with knock on effects to other parts of my body. The pain went instantly and to date has not returned. Over the last year Luke has also helped me improve the function of my knee which I injured in my teens. Massage and manipulation together with a set of strengthening exercises meant that I was able to complete a long distance flight and holiday in China pain free.
Other members of my family have also been treated by Luke with good results. I have also recommended him to many of my friends.”
Norma Barrow