Remote Consultation in Dedham, Colchester 

How they work  Why you should consider this approach 

Understandably, most people’s reaction to the idea of remote consultations is “how can they work?” 
“Surely you need to get your hands on to find out what’s wrong with me or to treat my problem?” 
Our aim as a practice has always been to give you, the patient, the information and resources that you need so that you can learn how to manage/prevent further episodes should they occur without the need for regular treatment. 
What I have come to realise over the last 15 years of practice is that what I say to patients can be as, if not at times, more helpful than what I physically do in my hands on treatment. This is why, over the years, I have spent more and more time in treatments talking to patients about why they have their symptoms; how best to modify their lifestyle; and then developing an exercise /rehabilitation plan to fit around them and their work. 
By explaining how pain works and prescribing exercises and giving helpful advice, patients can experience great results. 
Perhaps, this is why the online consultations I have been providing during the Covid-19 pandemic are proving to be so effective.